

景观设计, Gregory Lombardi设计公司, Wellesley, Sport Court

近年来, 一种引人注目的趋势已经扎根, 抓住房主的想象力, 365体育官网客户端, and designers alike: the rise of all-encompassing outdoor living spaces. This phenomenon has evolved the traditional backyard into a multifunctional haven, 放松的地方, 娱乐, 与自然汇合. 随着新技术和新材料的出现, 当谈到户外活动的可能性时,天空是极限, 这所豪华宜居的韦尔斯利公寓就是例证.

景观设计, Gregory Lombardi设计公司, Wellesley, Fire Feature(摄影:Neil Landino)

At the helm of this large-scale project stands landscape architect Troy Sober of Gregory Lombardi设计公司, who was tasked with harmonizing the client’s new residence with its natural surroundings during the project's initial phase. 在…的熟练操作下 景观设计, 设计团队的设想变成了现实, resulting in an expansive masterpiece of outdoor 娱乐 zones, 如一个游泳池与一个优雅的瀑布水疗, 有壁炉的石台, 室外厨房和用餐空间, 宁静的可伸缩封闭式门廊, 以及指定的游戏草坪. 快进大约5年, and the story continues to unfold as the same teams were summoned once more. 这一次, the mission was to bridge the original property with an adjacent lot, ushering in a plethora of new amenities for the ultimate family playground.

景观设计, Gregory Lombardi设计公司, Wellesley, Pool, Spa(摄影:Neil Landino)

“We worked to create a private oasis for the family that is largely centered around experiencing the outdoors,Sober解释道。. 这个户外乌托邦包括一个运动场和观众区, 滑雪场, 菜园, 苹果园, 还有一条点缀着可食用植物的自然小径. 带Wi-Fi集成在整个酒店, 广泛的智能声音, 照明, and irrigation systems ensure ease of use of all amenities for the client. Connected by an array of thoughtfully constructed custom benches, 梯田, 通路, 和坡道, 宁静的撤退迎合了所有年龄段的家人和朋友. “法院本身就是一个中心枢纽, but the path to it passes through diverse plant communities that creates fun exploration for children,Sober说。. “围绕着开阔的草坪, 季节性的色彩吸引了传粉者和鸟类, 并平衡菜园.” 

景观设计, Gregory Lombardi设计公司, Wellesley, 景观(摄影:Neil Landino)

The tranquil oasis transports visitors to a realm of natural wonder, with a melding of hardscape and plantings that harmonizes with the architectural materials of the residence, carrying forward the work initiated during the project's initial phase. “We pay close attention to the aesthetic and construction of existing elements when we are implementing new designs. 在理想的情况下, the finished product is knit into the landscape to look as if it has always been there,Jon Zeyl说, 景观创意CEO.

景观设计, Gregory Lombardi设计公司, Wellesley, Hardscape(摄影:Neil Landino)

The landscape was also meticulously designed to mitigate noise and foster privacy, with abundant evergreen trees that complement existing mature trees, 并掩盖了街道的景色. The site’s topographic change was used to the design’s advantage in creating informal overlooks artfully tucked into the hillside, such as a sport court spectator area flanked by retaining walls that foster seclusion near the property’s edge. “The transition between the upper and lower property allowed for the use of vegetation to soften surfaces and reinforce each space uniquely,Sober解释道。. 

景观设计, Gregory Lombardi设计公司, Wellesley, Sport Court Overlook(摄影:Landino照片)

Projects of this scale and complexity require a select breed of landscape contractors equipped to execute them skillfully. 景观设计 distinguishes themselves by pairing the industry’s finest craftsmen with expert project managers and administrators to guarantee the best results. 设置在繁华的韦尔斯利附近, 创造一个家庭休闲的乡村绿洲可不是一件小事. “Negotiating the intricacies of a significant drainage easement in the property's deed, 供水不足, 适应复杂地形, and adhering to the town's strict tree removal and replacement ordinances were among the obstacles we faced,彼得·亨特补充道, 景观创作的项目开发经理. 虽然挑战是相当大的, the project's fruition speaks to the dedication and expertise of both teams. 

景观设计, Gregory Lombardi设计公司, Wellesley, Sport Court(摄影:Neil Landino)

The growing trend of all-encompassing outdoor living spaces finds its full expression in this property. 它是创新结合的证明, 设计能力, 以及一丝不苟的执行, 重塑我们对户外生活的看法.


